Read Our Weekly Green Tip

Why not come to Greenbelt in August? A few of us have already signed up, speak to Robert, or Jane Freeman or Brian Smith to find out more.
The Big One - April 21st-23rd 2023 in London
Some of us are going to London to take part in this demonstration organised by the Christian Climate Coalition - contact us if you'd like to join in!
contact usTiny Forest Planting Day March 2023
Organised by Earthwatch Europe in partnership with the Queen's Green Canopy, Newcastle City Counil and North East Community Forest we went on a recce to see if we could do something similar n High Heaton, and we planted some trees, along with the Lord Mayor of Newcastle Councillor Karen Robinson who is one of our ward councillors, and Lt.General Robin Brimns, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Tyne & Wear and also a member of General Synod!

Climate Justice Coalition Demonstration November 2022
Members of St Francis Church took part in the Climate Justice Coalition demonstration in Newcastle to mark COP27, including Elsa Watson's fantastic Eco Rap, read it here

Heaton Festival Eco Zone June 2022
We had great fun as part of the Heaton Festival Eco Zone

Get Outside in Lent 2022
We found this very good resource from the Diocese of Salisbury to encourage people to appreciate the outdoors, find out more here
Going Greener
St Francis has recently received a Silver Eco Church award from A Rocha, the Christian eco charity. This award recognises the achievement St Francis has so far made to become greener. We are now working towards the Gold Eco Church award.
Our spirituality of creation
As part of the global church, we at St Francis are called to care for the whole of the Earth in the way that God intended. We are committed to seeing all of God’s created Kingdom not just survive, but thrive.
Our journey has been inspired in part by the spirituality of St Francis, our Patron Saint. He sought to live in harmony with the created world and saw that so much of what was made could be good, blessed and holy. In St Francis’ song, ‘Canticle of Brother Sun’, we are called to cherish what God has made.
COP26 ECO-Event Monday 3rd October 2021 3pm-5pm

Read here to find out more about our event to welcome the Young Christian Climate network
Read hereBee Keeping
Last year some of us began to train as bee keepers, and we helped look after some hives belonging to our trainer Ian Campbell from Newcastle & District Bee Keepers Association. This year we have started our own colony! Here is a video with some images and film clips of what we've been doing!