About us
Following the example of St Francis and walking in the footsteps of Christ, our Mission is
Worship , Community and Service
On Sundays we worship in Church at 8am and 10am and on Tuesdays at 6.30pm. Morning and Evening prayer are said in church each weekday at 8.30am and 5pm and livestreamed on our Facebook Page .
The Sunday 10am service is also livestreamed on Facebook and can be viewed afterwards on our YouTube Channel
In worship we seek to engage the head and heart, following Jesus’ commandment on the night he was betrayed to share bread and wine to remember him and to celebrate his presence with us. We strive to discern God’s love found in the scriptures and its meaning for us today.
There is also a Zoom Evening Prayer at 5pm on Sundays, email stfrancisnewcastle@gmail.com for a link
St Francis Church strives to be a community of faith open to people of any age, race, gender or sexual orientation. We try to play an active role in our local community, bringing people together in the Franciscan values of Humility, Love and Joy.
We run a number of activities for anyone in our local community.
On Mondays in term-time we hold an after school club for teenagers 3pm-4.30pm, with games and free refreshments and a safe space to sit and relax, and when the weather is fine our field is a great place to run off steam!
On Wednesdays 2-4pm we host a Place of Welcome providing a warm welcome, free refreshments, conversation and various activities and occasional talks, just turn up!
On Thursdays 1.30pm-3pm in term-time there is a baby and toddler group providing a safe environment for parents and carers to come with their pre-school children, with a healthy snack and lots of activities available.
Our hall is also available for hire for all kinds of family celebrations and community activities from Amateur Dramatics to Zumba. Click on the Hall Bookings tab for more information or to enquire about holding an activity there.
We witness to our Christian faith in loving service. Our Eco Group ensures that we put stewardship of Creation at the heart of our parish life. We also raise funds for local and international charities, for example we have recently raised money for the Ukrainian refugee crisis and Toilet Twinning, a charity which brings clean water and safe sanitation to the world’s poorest people. Each year we support Christian Aid Week, with collections and other activities. We have an active Mothers’ Union, part of an organisation that seeks to transform communities world-wide through family life.
On the first Tuesday of each month (except August) and each week during Lent we run a Soup Lunch from 12.30pm - 1.30pm to raise money for charity, and provides a welcoming place to meet.
As a registered Eco Church we are committed to sustainability and environmental awareness. We are working towards becoming Carbon Neutral, and advancing recycling and sustainability initiatives wherever we can.