Weekly Green Tip

Weekly Green Tip

Weekly Green Tip

# News

Weekly Green Tip

Weekly Green Tip                                                        Ecologico Laundry Powder

Ecologico is a company specialising in all things ecological and as well as selling this washing powder, they provide the instructions for making it. It is very easy to make at home. You need 65g of Epsom salts, 190g sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate of soda), 190g washing soda crystals, 30g salt and 20 – 25 drops of essential oils (optional).  Simply mix all the ingredients together, blending in any clumps.  Store in a glass jar with a lid and use one heaped tablespoonful per load.  If you want to have a look at what Ecologico has to offer go on www.ecologicouk.com       

f anyone has a green tip they think might be shared or re-shared to let me know!  

                                                            Jenny Germain   jenny_germain@talk21.com 

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