Notes from the last PCC Meeting

Notes from the last PCC Meeting

Notes from the last PCC Meeting

# News

Notes from the last PCC Meeting

Summary of the PCC meeting Monday 20th January   

After Prayers, Welcomes & Apologies and Minutes of the Last Meeting:    

Matters arising

Church Windows:  Vestry toilet windows have had vents added as required.  The vestry corridor windows will be done within four weeks. Sanctuary window sills have all been replaced.  The beading on the windows on the south elevation will be replaced then everything will be complete. The Church feels warmer with fewer draughts

St. Francis House: Rent increased, new annual lease signed, bathroom radiator mended.

Finance:  2024 draft accounts and 2025 budget received. Higher than expected shortfall due to reduced giving, fewer grants and more spent on St Francis House. Some giving to the Development Fund was probably at the expense of general giving. In 2025 we will seek further grants and do more fundraising.  The hall cost £11K to run and made £14K, a modest profit.  We need more regular bookings having lost Kumon. The paying of the Parish Share will be reviewed in October in case our financial situation hasn’t improved. Lent was suggested as a time for us to review our giving and we will also send out information about the Gifts in Wills scheme.  Music stands for the music group to be purchased using the choir fund and £240 from the Christmas Fair for the garden fund.

Safeguarding: Safeguarding Dashboard is now 98% completed. The PCC approved the Singing Toon group meeting on a Friday afternoon. Photos of the members of the RCG will be taken at the meeting on 7th February.

Eco-Church: We have applied for our ARocha GOLD Award, which has generated further work to be done!  Agreed to register as a Fairtrade Church. As a minimum requirement we have to buy Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar for the kitchen.  A large noticeboard has gone up in the Hall, one third of which is for Eco-church. Tree planting and the RSPB Garden Birdwatch are advertised for this weekend. Jenny will keep it updated.

Jenny and Brian are applying for a grant from Wildlife Trust to help in the replacement of the rose garden on the North side of the Church.

Review of Advent and Christmas:  Advent Quiet evenings were well-received but thinly attended. The Christmas market raised £2507 helped by the later time of 12-2pm. Carol singing round the parish went well, the carol service saw a slight increase in numbers but the crib service and Midnight mass were down.

Parish Vision for the next decade:  A proposal to plan for the future, including worship, Christian education, community involvement, buildings and land, perhaps an Away Day for PCC members and any other interested people, run by an external facilitator. 

Future dates:

2nd February    Candlemas

23rd February  Green Eucharist

4th March        Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Party with the Brownies

5th March         Ash Wednesday - Lent groups to be decided

17th March       PCC meeting

22nd March      Earth Hour 8.30 – 9.30pm

6th April            APCM (note change of date!)

21st April          Easter Day

26th April          MU Coffee Morning and Gardening Day

11th May          Christian Aid Big Brekkie

17th May           Afternoon Tea

5th July              Summer Fair

14th September     Harvest Festival

22nd September – 5th October   Fairtrade Fortnight

3rd October      Transitus Service

4th October      St Francis Day Eucharist at noon and ceilidh from 6pm

5th October      Feast of Dedication

AOB: Quotations will be obtained for shortening two pew runners to fit the two pews in church lacking them!  Agreed to turn on church hall heating 10 minutes earlier for Parish Breakfast!

Next meeting Monday 17th March 7.0pm.

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